Rev. Clara Alexander
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link “In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” Carl Jung We are living in interesting times. There are many opportunities to see or experience chaos. How we view the world matters. With strong faith we can feel and know that all will be well. The deeper we make our connection to God through all God’s many manifestations the easier it is to weather the chaos, the easier it is to see the underlying divine order and the easier it is to help others deal with their fears about the state of the world. Bio: Rev. Clara became an ordained minister in 2001 after completing 4 years study in Rev. Jody Stevenson’s Soul Purpose Sacred Studies school in Portland. She has officiated weddings, baby blessings, and other sacred ceremonies including Celebrations of Life and funerals. She taught classes on Forgiveness through PCC’s Personal Growth department. After years in the corporate world as a manager she now rejoices in having the time to tend to loved ones and her communities. Rev. Lisa Sizemore
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link It is time to go through the process to internally harmonize, balance and adjust to what life brings us. Time to take care of our inner selves! Bio: Rev. Lisa is an ordained Religious Science minister serving as part of the interim co-ministry team at Unity of Beaverton. Denita Wallace
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link Have you experienced the calming and welcoming influence of Feng Shui in a home or business? How cluttered are we in our own mind? Principles of Feng Shui can be used to move our inner world into a more welcoming and calming place to be. Bio: Denita Wallace has been studying metaphysics since her father first took her to a Religious Science church in Salem, Oregon in 1960. Although her life path took her from studying Biology at the University of Oregon through various iterations of service jobs, Molecular Biology laboratory work and sales, her heart was always prompting her to learn more about The Universe and our part in its creation. She is a certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner, who studied for two years in psychic development with Berkeley Psychic Institute. She also studied "A Course in Miracles" for years. At Unity of Salem since 1997, she gives frequent talks as well as doing several other functions at the church. She has recently published The Matter of Perception, a novel about manifesting a better life in the face of personal hardship. Rev. Annette Mattson
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link This place and time we live in can feel overwhelming. Human conflict and selfishness can leave us shaking our heads, with grieving hearts and depleted joy. Where do we find the Divine as we navigate our human experience? Where do we find wisdom end healing? Bio: Reverend Annette Mattson is a licensed and ordained Interfaith Minister, and serves as Ordained Support Staff at Gresham United Methodist Church. After retirement from corporate life, Rev Annette pursued her life-long spiritual calling, and was ordained in 2021. Having been raised in a fundamentalist evangelical church which did not recognize the value of women, Rev. Annette found herself without a church home for many years. As a young mother she found the United Methodist tradition, and was drawn to the inclusivity of its teachings and the strong role of women in leadership. Rev Annette considers herself an Omnist, thanks to her own spiritual experiences, and the experiences and stories of her many teachers. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link The divine plan for us is not that we put up with distress but that we flow through life in love with joy. That isn't what we've been taught, though, so we have to learn how to let go of old programs and begin to live our fulfillment in truly divine order. Bio: Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D.,, D.D., is an independent New Thought minister and part of the interim ministry team at Unity of Beaverton. Her website is |
January 2025