Feb 2 Sandra Glauz
"Singing as Love in Expression" A longtime Spiritual Song Leader, Sandra demonstrates that we can all sing with joy and love, and feel the One Power moving in and through us as we do so! Feb 9 Micki Walker & Chris Olson, Children's Church for Grownups- "The Power of Love" Join us as we experience the fun, the liveliness, the beauty that our Youth Ministers share with young people during Children's Church. The theme, of course, is Love -- one of the 12 Powers of humanity and divinity. Feb 16 Clara Alexander "Living in the Stream of Love" Love is the frequency, the energy, that connects all beings to each other. It is the language of the Divine that everyone in any culture can understand. Love is the one thing that transcends time and space. Workshop on Forgiveness follows Feb 23 Ruth Miller "Being the Love We Are" If the Source of All, the One that is expressing in and through all that is, is Love, then we must be Love also. What does that mean? How can we know and feel and think and act from the Love that we Are?
Jan 5 Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller
Epiphanies CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link It's the 12th Day of Christmas. Tomorrow is Epiphany, the day that honors the arrival of the 3 kings/wise men at the birthplace of the Christ. In Unity we interpret the Bible, not only as history, but as a metaphor for our own spiritual life. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller helps us see how we are guided by "a Star in the East" to discover the Christ within. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller is part of the interim ministry team at Unity of Beaverton and the author of over 2 dozen books on metaphysics, consciousness, and spiritual life. Jan 12 Rev. Lisa Sizemore Working Together Without Fear As we come out of the darkness with the days getting lighter, we can apply it to our own lives by coming out of our darkness to vision a life of peace. Jan 19 Rev. Christine Green The Power of Now CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link It is difficult to find peace when we are worried about the future. We have the power to choose each moment whether we walk in fear or in faith. Jan 26 Ruth Miller Being the Peace We Are CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link. Our Unity theme for this month has been "I am Peace." Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller shares stories that help us see what that means and how we can experience this Truth more fully. Darci Schmitt shares some original music as well. Dec 1 Rev. Lisa Sizemore
Awaken Your Own God Given Potential of Life CLICK HERE for YOUTube recording link Awaken to the Christ Consciousness by cleansing the self of false beliefs to experience life as not only an idea that enriches the soul, but also lifts up the physical body into a perfect expression of the pattern the creator implanted in it from the beginning First Sunday of Advent: Faith Dec 8 Rev. Christine Green Living in the Collective Field of Love CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link We can choose each day whether we live a life of fear and suffering or one of faith and freedom. As we do our inner work, we step into a collective field of love. Second Sunday of Advent: Hope 15 Rev, Arehn McCarty Guided by the Law of Life CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link Life is the Divine within you, experiencing Itself in a unique way in everything you do. The Law of Life is that passion or interest you feel bubbling up from inside you. Ernest Holmes said, “The Law of Life can work for you only as it works through your thought patterns." 3rd Sunday of Advent: Love Dec 22 Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller The Advent of New Life CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link It's the 4th and final Sunday of the Christian Advent season, a time of preparation for the coming of a new kind of life, as incarnate Spirit. In Unity we understand this Life to be our own Spirit-Self, ready to bring forth a greater "peace and goodwill to all." Rev. Ruth invites us to consider how, this year, we are preparing for that New Life to come. 4th Sunday of Advent: Joy Dec 24 Christmas Eve Service: Carols, Stories & Candles, with Darcy Schmitt; Doors open at 4:45pm with refreshments. Service starts at 5:30. Dec 29 Rev. Annette Mattson CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link Divine Life: 2025 Resolutions, 2025 Revolutions Sometimes we approach Life in a new year gradually. Sometimes we approach Life in the new year with radical leaps. As we all look at the changes that may be coming, and our hopes and concerns for 2025, will Spirit inspire your Life to have resolutions or revolutions? 5th Day of Christmas Nov 3 Rev. Lisa Sizemore
God Is The Love That I AM CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link. In November we will be focused on the Power of Elimination. In Unity, the power of elimination, also known as the power of renunciation, is the ability to cleanse and purify the whole being. It's a spiritual practice that involves asking the Spirit within us to do what we can't do for ourselves. Rev. Lisa will share tips on how to Let Go and Let God/Creator move through our lives. Bio: Rev. Lisa is an ordained Religious Science minister serving as part of the interim co-ministry team at Unity of Beaverton. Nov 10 Rev. Arehn McCarty CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link Letting Go of What’s Not Working Living in this world of space and time, change is inevitable. How willing we are to let go of our expectations, see the changing world around us and embrace it, will dictate how joyful we are in this life. Nov 17 Rev. Christine Green CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link Hanging On May Be Hazardous to Your Health When we let go of control, we allow the dynamic doors of the universe open to infinite potential and possibilities. Join Rev. Christine as she shared principles to move from fear to freedom. Bio; Rev. Christine is an ordained Religious Science minister and spiritual coach, Her latest book is Conscious Choices: A Woman’s Guide to Clarity, Courage and Connection. She is also the author of Anatomy of Caring, Insights on Faith for a Caregiver and Patient, A Caregiver’s Journal, and Soul Musing, Finding the Sacred in the Ordinary. Nov 24 Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller with Spiritual Songleader Sandra Glauz I Release through Song CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link Sandra Glauz invites us to use singing as a spiritual practice. This week Rev. Ruth and she will work together to help us release the energy that we've been carrying and enter the "flow state" through the grace of music. Bio: Ruth L. Miller, Ph.D., D.D. is an independent New Thought minister and part of the interim ministry team at Unity of Beaverton. Her website is www.ruthlmillerphd.com. Sandra Glauz is a longtime New Thought Song Leader beginning a new ministry: "Singing As Spiritual Practice". She believes everybody can sing and that we all can experience the joy of harmonizing in this universe. Rev. Dr. Ruth Miller
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link. What does the word Zealot really mean? Why were some of Jesus’ disciples called Zealots? There’s a lot to be unpacked in this word, and it can be very useful in our own lives. Denita Wallace
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link. Zeal is a strong motivating power. Denita shares how to get and use it responsibly. Rev. Arehn McCarty
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link When we look at our life with a sense of wonder, we stop projecting all we have been taught about the world onto our experience, and instead become receptive to what the Universe wants to show us. We can feel our Life Force energy moving through us in creative ways, inspiring a passion for life. Rev. Lisa Sizemore
Rev. Charles Fillmore, a founder of Unity, said this in his 90s. He was a living example that, using the power of zeal to charge us up with the direction of faith and looking beyond all appearances to have the vision to accomplish the big dreams we desire. Rev. Clara Alexander
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link “In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” Carl Jung We are living in interesting times. There are many opportunities to see or experience chaos. How we view the world matters. With strong faith we can feel and know that all will be well. The deeper we make our connection to God through all God’s many manifestations the easier it is to weather the chaos, the easier it is to see the underlying divine order and the easier it is to help others deal with their fears about the state of the world. Bio: Rev. Clara became an ordained minister in 2001 after completing 4 years study in Rev. Jody Stevenson’s Soul Purpose Sacred Studies school in Portland. She has officiated weddings, baby blessings, and other sacred ceremonies including Celebrations of Life and funerals. She taught classes on Forgiveness through PCC’s Personal Growth department. After years in the corporate world as a manager she now rejoices in having the time to tend to loved ones and her communities. Rev. Lisa Sizemore
CLICK HERE for YouTube recording link It is time to go through the process to internally harmonize, balance and adjust to what life brings us. Time to take care of our inner selves! Bio: Rev. Lisa is an ordained Religious Science minister serving as part of the interim co-ministry team at Unity of Beaverton. |
January 2025